Church Education Trust

Church and the Bible

TMP028/2 Exposition ch.2


Chapter 2.

Verse 1.

Here we see an indication of the spiritual relation ship of Isreal to Yahweh, this relationship will be perfected in a future period. At the moment of writting this verse Isreal's experience was the opposite. Israel`s condition before God is clearly stated in the use of names like "Lo-Ruhamah" and "Lo-Ammi" which simply mean, "not loved" and "not my people."

But the promse is given that someday these negative names will be changed and become positive names like "ammi" which means "my people" and "Ruhamah" which means "my loved ones".

(d)..... Isreal, the adulterous spouce. Chapter 2:2-13.

Verse 2.

The content of this second verse describes the relationship of the unfaithful Gomer to her husband Hosea, the parallel between God's relationship to Isreal can be drawn, like Gomer, meal Israel was unfaithful in her relationship to God.

The verb "rib" is translated "rebuke' which simply to contend or strive. "Strive with your mother, rebuke her." The nation of Isreal was the mother, her children were are individuals who were called by Hosea to return to the place of obedience and faithfulness to the Word of God.

"For she is not my wife", implies that Hosea had disowned his wife because of her unfaithfulness, so to Isreal were to be disowned by God. In chapter 3:i, God challenges Hosea to take his adulterous wife and love her. So basically this verse explains the idolatry and sin of Isreal against God.

Verse 3.

In this verse Hosea gives an explanation of the consequence of Isreal's sinful ways and the need to be rightly related to God, also Hosea explains the stupidity of trying to go it alone.

Verse 4.

God through His servant Hosea distinguishes between mother (which represents Isreal as a nation) and children (which represents individual Isrealities.)
The nation of Isreal (mother) was guilty of gross sin against "Yahweh" (God) and deserved nothing less than punishment.The children (Isaelities) would experience that punishment also, for national sin represented individual sin or sins which nationally are reflected collectively.

Verse 5.

This verse begins with the Hebrew word "Ki" although it is used in a casual sense, it also undergirdes what will said in the next verse; again the reasons are explained as to why
Isreal should be punished again. The direct quotation attributed to Gomer, Hosea's adulterous wife but the underlying meaning points directly toward Isreal, the adulterous who runs after false God's to get gifts.

Obviously this means Isreal's economic relationship with other nations and through those relationships Isreal absorbed many of her neighbouring nations false religious practices.So the benefits of the economic relationship led Isreal into idolatry and sin.

Verse 6.

This verse contains a vivid picture of the judgement that is going to fall on Idolatris Isreal. Isreal's desire for foreign gods will end; she will be "hedged in" (sak), this gives the idea that God will not allow Isreal to become heathen through the worship of false Gods.

The idea of the "thorn bush" blocking Isreal's way is included in the thought that when Isreal is finally brought into slavery again under the hand of a foreign nation, that in actual fact she will be cut of completely from all  those Godlesss nations.

Verse 7.

Although Isreal will be held captive by another powerful nation, she will still try to find her heathen Gods but will be frustrated on every level. Eventually she will give up and find her way back to the living God,she will acknowledge His sovernignity and supremacy.Their trails under the hand of another nation plus the inability to chase after their false Gods would push Isreal back to a pure form of worship.

Verse 8. 

In this verse we are given a clear understanding of the nature of the unfaithfulness of the children of Isreal. The Isrealites simply did not recognise YAHWEH as the source of all life,as the one who meets their every needs.Isreal had given credit to Baal for the meeting of their needs.This word
Baal is used in 2 Kings 10:19-28 for a pagan type of worship.

Verse 9.

Isreal's idolatry would be punished by God taking away from them many of the material blessings that they had long enjoyed, their grain, new wine, oil, and linen (pistah-flax),basically Isreal would experience hard times,presummably God would hinder the growth of all these crops by with holding the rain.

Verse 10.

Isreal's shame will be overcome (nablut) which means "withered state".Other nations will see the shame that has been brought to the name of YAHWEH because of the actions of the Isrealites.Eventually her lovers or other nations that in the past aided and helped Isreal would infact come to despise Isreal as a nation.

Also the thought is given here that there is no outside help for Isreal,no one can snatch (nasal) or deliver her from the mighty judgement of YAHWEH.

Verse 11.

Isreal would not be able to celebrate and enjoy those festivals or appointed times and feasts (moed) such as the passover, penticost, and the feast of tabernaclees.

Verse 12.

God promised Isreal that He would ruin everything that Isreal had planted and cultivated her fine gardens and cornfields, her fine fig and vine plantations, all would become a wilderness to be inhabited by wild animals.

Verse 13.

In this verse we get a clear explanation as to why the children of Isreal must be punished, Isreal over a long period of time had slipped down the slippery road into idolatry. From the days of Ahab until the time of writting of this book, Israel had offered sacrifice and their thanksgiving for their prosperity to Ba`al.

(e).The blessing of Isreal.(ch.2:14-23).

This section looks into the distant future when Isreal shall become a nation enjoying the blessing of YAHWEH again.They will be specially privilaged and loved,because once again they shall follow the Lord their God and Him only will they serve.

Verse 14.

Therefore is the translation of the hebrew word 'laken' which is used in verses 6 & 9.This word reveals Isreal`s punishment, also we see through the use of this word 'laken' that Isreal is going to be introduced to a new era which will be full of promise and hope .God promises to lead Isreal out of idolatry and bring them back to the place of communion with
her Lord.(YAHWEH).

Verse 15.

Isreal will be given back her vineyards she will become a nation who will surely know from whom all her blessings come. Isreal is reminded of how she was led by God up out of Egypt to the land flowing with milk and honey. In the future when all Isreal's sin has been dealt with she will be blessed and uplifted as a nation again by the Lord God.

Verse 16.

"1ST" is the Hebrew word that is used and translated "my husband". When the children of Isreal return from their place of exile, they will recognise God as their 'ISI' or as their husband, and God will recognise them as His wife.
Baal will no longer be the focus of their attention and worship. It would seem that YAHWEH had been substituted for Baal and the children of Isreal had begun to think of YAHWEH as Baal, this goes to reflect the depth of sin and idolatry into which the children of Isreal had fallen.

Verse 17.

Yahweh will finally remove every thought of Baal from the mond and lips of Israel.

Verse 18.

God will reconcile Isreal to Himself,peace will reign on earth,even the beasts of the field and of the air will enter into a new covenant with Him. The sword and. the bow will be (sabar) or broken into pieces, there will be no more war and peace will reign supreme.This is most certainly a prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled, possibly in the 1000 year reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse 19 & 20.

YAHWEH's new relationship with Isreal will be perfect and highlighted by righteousness, justice, love,compassion and faithfulnes. A perfected sin free relationship will come into being.

Verse 21.

YAHWEH will respond and meet the need of His children Isreal. Rain, seed and harvest will always be promised and will become a real blessing to Isreal.

Verse 22.

The earth will bring forth it's produce, no good thing will God with hold from His people. Jezreel when used in this verse means Isreal, so here we have a promise that no one will
go with out.

Verse 23.

"Zara", means to sow, to plant and that is the basis of Isreals need, they need sucess in the cultivating of the land so that the children of Isreal could multiply and be sure of a plentiful supply for their future needs.

In Hosea's days the children of Isreal were called by God by the name,"Lo-Ruhama" which means not loved.They were also called "Lo-Ammi" which means "not my people" but in the future the Isrealities will call God "their God" and God will respond and call them His children. So again we must wait for the future fulfillment of this verse of scripture.

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