Church Education Trust

Church History


The History of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Periods covered.

First Century : The apostolic Age.

  1. Organisation of the Church.

Second Century: Early Christian Writttings.

  1. The Scriptures.
  2. The Creeds.
  3. Organisation inthe Church.
  4. Persecution.
  5. Apologists.
  6. Heresies.

Third Century.

  1. The Church in North Africa.
  2. Third Century Heresies.

The Fourth Century.

  1. The Great Persecution.
  2. Heresies.
  3. Council of Nicea 325A.D.
  4. Arianism.
  5. Council of Constantinople 381.A.D.

The Fifth Century.

  1. Augustine 345-430 A.D.
  2. Council of Ephesus 431 A.D.
  3. Council of Chalcedon. 451 A.D.

The Sixth Century-13th. Centuries.

  1. The Middle ages.
  2. Mission to Britian.
  3. Developments in the Church in Rome.
  4. Innocent 111 (1198-1216A.D.)
  5. The Inquisition.

The 13th. and 14th. Centuries.

  1. The Great Schisism.
  2. John Wycliffe.
  3. The Lollards.
  4. John Huss.
  5. The Renaissance.
  6. Savonarola.
  7. John Colet.
  8. Erasmus.

The Reformation.

  1. Martin Luther. 1483-1546.A.D
  2. The 95 Thesis.
  3. Luther at Worms 1521.A.D.
  4. Calvin 1509-1564.A.D.
  5. Calvin`s Theology.

The Reformation in England.

  1. Henry V111 (1509-1547 A.D.)
  2. Edward V1 (1547-1553 A.D.)
  3. Mary (1553-1558 A.D.)
  4. John Wesley (1703-1791 A.D.)

Modern Church History.

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